Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Run BPI Express Mobile on your android phone (or any Midlets/Jar/Jad apps).

*UPDATE: BPI Has released their android app on the android market last Aug. 18, 2011, BPI Express mobile Android app  

First off a very big Thanks to mohammadN of XDA
for creating JBED.

The tutorial is divided to 2 parts, 1st is installing Jbed and 2nd is setting up the BPI Express online mobile app.

but first these are what you need.
1. Rooted phone with Froyo or Gingerbread (haven't tested with other lower versions).
2. Rootexplorer from market or something similar
3. Jbed which you can find here (you may need to register with XDA to download the file)

Step 1. Open and go to the System folder and you'll see two directories inside.
Step 2. Copy the jbed.apk file in the App folder on your /System/app/ folder (make sure to change permissions if it won't let you.

Step 3. copy inside the lib folder to /System/lib/ folder

Step 4. install the jbed.apk file.

Step 5. on your phone run java > menu >sd card and install your old jar/jad files.

Now for bpi mobile express.

Request for a new link from your bpi express mobile (take note this will invalidate older and probably working installations from other phones within your account).

once you receive the sms link (I'm assuming you sent it to your android phone).
open the link with your browser.

It will show a download link, click on the download link and it will open a JAD file, this jad file has the URL of the JAR file that you need to install on your phone.

copy the link found inside the JAD file and open it in your browser and this will download the JAR file.

now go back to the JAVA/JBED app and run it, hit your "menu" button
and click on SD Card, it should search your SD Card for any JAR/JAD files.

Select EOLMobile and install.

run the app and login and make sure you select "yes this session" when the warning for internet access is required by EOLMobile.

Enjoy BPI mobile banking on your android phone!

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